Introducing: Feline and Strange


I think you can tell from this image and the name of the band, that Feline and Strange are no ordinary group of musicians – ‘Strange’ being the operative word.

Nonetheless, the Berlin based duo are certainly pushing boundaries with their unique blend of operatic electro-wave cabaret, which is both dark and haunting, but equally intriguing.

Evidently, the pair have created their own patch of real estate within the musical world, which only they occupy. How many artists can claim this? . Consisting of the Feline Lang (opera and tango singer/ director, multimedia artist, vocalist and pianist) who has been described as ‘One of Germany´s most flamboyant ladies in the music-scene’ (Brigitte), and Christoph Klemke (punk drummer, sound designer, percussionist and orchestra cellist), the duo are like nothing you’ve heard before.

Feline and Strange are in the process of releasing their latest album, OUT, which ‘No Life On Mars’ is taken from- you can check it out below:

Supposedly, the band are extraterrestrials who were brought to earth hundreds of years ago with a bout of amnesia, reborn into new bodies. The music they create serves to collect members for their crew and although they don’t know their original mission, they assume they must report home. Yet lately they have changed sides, conspiring against Earth’s invasion, having warmed to the planet and its inhabitants.

With a back story like this and a powerful image and style of music, Feline and Strange are sure to be causing waves wherever they take their music, whether it’s on earth or beyond…


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